
How Do I Register For A Spartan Race?


  1. Start HERE to find a race.
  2. On the right, you will see your registration order. With the drop-down menu, select the number of tickets you would like to purchase. 
  3. After selecting the total number of tickets, you will see the price reflected in the total. The total includes all add-on fees such as parking/bag check and the processing fee. 
  4. After entering your information, make sure to create a team! After entering your team name, you will have the option to invite your friends. 
  5. To invite your team members, check the box that says, "Don't have all of your friend's information? Prepay for their entry and send them a claim link to complete their registration". Then enter each email address in the box. Please make sure the email addresses are correct or they will not receive the invite. Claim3.png
  6. Repeat step 5, entering each individual's email address for each attendee. 
  7. You will then complete the checkout by entering your credit card information. 



  • Any desired discount codes must be entered for each entry.  
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